Clinical Practice Guides
Neurocognitive Testing Guides
Evidence-Based, PRO, & QOL Rating Instruments
Care Management Guides
Frequently-Asked Questions contains answers to most of the common questions clinicians and administrators ask about CNS Vital Signs. For additional information call 888-750-6941 or email The answers below have been primarily developed for the VS4 Application on the Windows 10 OS. The exact instructions may vary depending on the computer OS operating system and CNS Vital Signs App version you are currently using.
The FAQ categories are:
What is CNS Vital Signs?
CNS Vital Signs is a reimbursable assessment procedure that utilizes scientifically validated, objective, and reliable computerized neuropsychological tests to evaluate the neurocognitive status of patients and covers a range of mental processes from simple motor performance, attention, memory, to executive functions. CNS Vital Signs also contains over 50 well known evidence-based clinical and quality measure (behaviors, symptoms, comorbidities, quality-of-life) rating scales. Immediately following the assessment, the software automates a standardized scoring of the patient assessment eliminating variability and rater bias. The assessment platform auto-scores and generates user-friendly reports with summary dashboards, individual responses, and longitudinal views. The neurocognitive report presents the raw test scores, domain scores with a comparison of age-adjusted norms, and an overall neurocognition index. The standardized presentation of the report and its data supports the clinicians' evaluation and management activities.
The use of CNS Vital Signs with other proven neurological exams gives the clinicians a robust view of the patient's neurocognitive status. The assessment platform lends an added dimension to the patient evaluation and generates useful data that can guide one's decisions about ongoing treatments or the need for additional information or whether a referral is warranted.
It is important to note that CNS Vital Signs allows you to send remote links to patients so they can be tested outside the office. See the video on remote testing here.
How is CNS Vital Signs used?
The clinical applications for CNS Vital Signs can be summarized in terms of seven prototypical situations:
How do I access the CNS Vital Signs applications?
CNS Vital Signs is available as both a web/cloud platform as well as a local platform not needing an internet connection. When you register with CNS Vital Signs your web account will automatically be provisioned with 5 evaluation tests. If you prefer to use the local version of the software, from your console account, you can download and install the software. Regardless of the whether you use web or local, you will be given five fully functional free test administrations to trial and train on the assessment platform.
What computerized neuropsychological tests are used in CNS Vital Signs?
The tests that make up CNS Vital Sign’s cognitive battery are made up of adaptations from several venerable paper tests. The core CNS Vital Signs "BRIEF-CORE" neurocognitive assessment battery consists of seven subtests: Verbal Memory (VBM), Visual Memory (VIM), Finger Tapping (FTT), Symbol Digit Coding (SDC), Stroop Test (ST), Shifting Attention Test (SAT) and the Continuous Performance Test (CPT). There are three additional tests Perception of Emotions (POET), Non-Verbal Reasoning (NVRT), 4-Part Continuous Performance (FPCPT) developed for brain and behavioral specialists. Email or call support for more information about the other tests available. Tests and Domains PDF
What does each subtest of CNS Vital Signs measure?
The CNS Vital Signs "BRIEF-CORE" neurocognitive assessment captures an objective view of eleven basic brain functions: composite memory, verbal memory, visual memory, executive function, processing speed, psychomotor speed, reaction time, complex attention, cognitive flexibility, simple visual attention, and motor speed. The "BRIEF-CORE" battery consists of seven subtests which in different combinations compose the above eleven cognitive domains. CNS Vital Signs includes parallel tests of verbal memory (word list learning) and visual memory (figure learning). The tests are virtually identical, but one uses words as stimuli, the other, geometric shapes. The Finger Tapping Test generates relevant data about fine motor control, which is based on motor speed as well as kinesthetic and visual-motor ability. The Symbol Digit Coding Test generates processing speed data and is included in a composite score for psychomotor speed. The Stroop Test gives important data about three levels of reaction time (simple, complex, Stroop) or, to be more precise, information processing speed. The Shifting Attention Test measures a subject's executive functions (rules, categories, rapid decision making) or their ability to shift from one instruction set to another quickly and accurately. The Continuous Performance Test is a measure of vigilance or sustained attention or attention over time.
What is the normative structure of CNS Vital Signs?
The "normal" subject population were all healthy individuals seen by a provider. They are were NOT conveniently pulled from a social media advertisement or extrapolated from a smaller sample. The age range of this large sample (n=1508) of normal individuals, was from age 8 to 90. "Normals" are defined as healthy individuals, with no active medical condition, and with no history of neurological or psychiatric disorders. Normals may be on stable doses of medications for well-controlled medical conditions, like hypertension or arthritis, but not on any psychotropic medication.
How do I code and get reimbursed for my services?
The CNS Vital Signs procedure codes have been reimbursed by Medicare, Medicaid and almost all private insurance companies when billed using the appropriate ICD-10 codes and modifiers. Most public payer reimburses any licensed practitioner e.g. MD, DO, PhD, PsyD, NP, PA, however, a few health plans reimburse only licensed psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists or developmental/behavioral specialists. GO TO the Reimbursement section of the CNS Vital Signs website for more detailed reimbursement and coding information. Registered users can request to have a one on one reimbursement webinar by emailing
Have there been any validity and reliability studies with CNS Vital Signs?
Yes, refer to "Reliability and Validity of a computerized neurocognitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs", Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2006 Oct;21(7):623-43.
How soon can I retest the same person on CNS Vital Signs?
There are unlimited forms of CNS Vital Signs, as CNS Vital Signs was designed for serial administration. We recommend that you wait 24-48 hours to readminister the episodic memory tests associated with verbal and visual memory so the patients do not have issues with word and symbol overload in a short period of time. Tests other than memory tests are routinely administered several times a day in research settings.
Are there symptom validity indicators (SVI)embedded in the test? How do I know if the neurocognitive assessment is valid?
There are embedded symptom validity measures in the battery. Each test has its own specific validity construct and in addition there are cross checks across tests for irregularities in effort. The CNS Vital Signs Validity Indicator (VI) is a guideline identifying the possibility of an invalid test or domain score. When reviewing a report, a "No" in the VI column suggests the clinician should evaluate whether or not the test subject understood the test, put forth their best effort, or has a clinical condition requiring further evaluation. The Validity Indicator alerts the clinician to the possibility of an invalid test allowing the clinician, examiner or testing technician to question the testing subject: Do the testing results reflect an understanding of the test and the instructions? Did the testing subject put forth their best effort? Did they get a good night's sleep? Does the subject have poor vision and need their glasses? Do the results suggest willful exaggeration, e.g., malingering?
How is the CNS Vital Signs Validity Indicator determined?
The "Validity Indicator" scoring algorithm is based on research presented (Detecting Invalidity In Neurocognitive Tests) at International Society for CNS Clinical Trials and Methodology (ISCTM) in 2009. The poster is available on the CNS Vital Signs website.
Neurocognitive Test | Validity Criteria |
Verbal Memory Test | VERM Correct Hits Immediate + VERM Correct Passes Immediate + VERM Correct Hits Delay + VERM Correct Passes Delay > 30 |
Visual Memory Test | VISM Correct Hits Immediate + VISM Correct Passes Immediate + VISM Correct Hits Delay + VISM Correct Passes Delay > 30 |
Finger Tapping Test | FTT Right Taps Average + FTT Left Taps Average >= 40 |
Symbol Digit Coding Test | SDC Correct Responses >= 20 AND Correct Responses > Errors* |
Stroop Test | [Simple RT < (Complex RT Correct *0.1)+Complex RT Correct] AND [Complex RT Correct < ( Stroop RT Correct *0.1)+Stroop RT Correct] AND (Complex Correct > Complex Errors) AND (Stroop Correct > Stroop Errors) |
Shifting Attention Test | SAT Correct Responses > SAT Errors |
Continuous Performance Test | if >= 10 yrs old, CPT is valid if Correct Responses - Commission Errors* >= 30, if < 10 yrs old CPT is valid if Correct Responses - Commission Errors* >= 25 |
Perception of Emotions Test | POET Correct Responses > 3 AND POET Correct Responses > POET Commission Errors* |
Non Verbal Reasoning Test | NVRT Correct Responses >= 4 AND NVRT Correct Responses > NVRT Commission Errors* |
Four Part Continuous Performance Test | Part 2 Correct Responses > 2 AND Part 2 Correct Responses > Part 2 Incorrect Responses* AND Part 3 Correct Responses > 5 AND Part 3 Correct Responses > Part 3 Incorrect Responses* AND Part 4 Correct Responses > 5 AND Part 4 Correct Responses > Part 4 Incorrect Responses* |
Note: FPCPT Part 2, 3, and 4 Commission Errors* are labeled as Incorrect Responses* |
Clinical Domains | Validity Criteria |
Composite Memory | Verbal Memory Test and Visual Memory Test are valid |
Verbal Memory | Verbal Memory Test is valid |
Visual Memory | Visual Memory Test is valid |
Psychomotor Speed | Finger Tapping Test and Symbol Digit Coding Test are valid |
Reaction Time | Stroop Test is valid |
Complex Attention | Stroop Test, Shifting Attention Test, and Continuous Performance Test are valid |
Cognitive Flexibility | Shifting Attention Test and Stroop Test are valid |
Processing Speed | Symbol Digit Coding Test is valid |
Social Acuity | Perception of Emotions Test is valid |
Non-Verbal Reasoning | Non Verbal Reasoning Test is valid |
Executive Functioning | Shifting Attention Test is valid |
Working Memory | Four Part Continuous Performance Test is valid |
Sustained Attention | Four Part Continuous Performance Test is valid |
Simple Attention | Continuous Performance Test is valid |
Motor Speed | Finger Tapping Test is valid |
How are the cognitive domains calculated?
Clinical Domains | Domain Score Calculations |
Neurocognition Index - NCI | Average of five domain scores: Composite Memory, Psychomotor Speed, Reaction Time, Complex Attention , and Cognitive Flexibility ; representing a form of a global score of neurocognition |
Composite Memory | VBM Correct Hits Immediate + VBM Correct Passes Immediate + VBM Correct Hits Delay + VBM Correct Passes Delay + VIM Correct Hits Immediate + VIM Correct Passes Immediate + VIM Correct Hits Delay + VIM Correct Passes Delay |
Verbal Memory | VBM Correct Hits Immediate + VBM Correct Passes Immediate + VBM Correct Hits Delay + VBM Correct Passes Delay |
Visual Memory | VIM Correct Hits Immediate + VIM Correct Passes Immediate + VIM Correct Hits Delay + VIM Correct Passes Delay |
Psychomotor Speed | FTT Right Taps Average + FTT Left Taps Average + SDC Correct Responses |
Reaction Time | (ST Complex Reaction Time Correct + Stroop Reaction Time Correct) / 2 |
Complex Attention | Stroop Commission Errors + SAT Errors + CPT Commission Errors + CPT Omission Errors |
Cognitive Flexibility | SAT Correct Responses - SAT Errors - Stroop Commission Errors |
Processing Speed | SDC Correct Responses - SDC Errors |
Executive Function | SAT Correct Responses - SAT Errors |
Working Memory | (4PCPT Part 4 Correct Responses) - (4PCPT Part 4 Incorrect Responses) |
Sustained Attention | (4PCPT Part 2 Correct Responses + 4PCPT Part 3 Correct Responses + 4PCPT Part 4 Correct Responses) - (4PCPT Part 2 Incorrect Responses + 4PCPT Part 3 Incorrect Responses + 4PCPT Part 4 Incorrect Responses) |
Social Acuity | POET Correct Responses - POET Commission Errors |
Reasoning (non-verbal) | NVRT Correct Responses - NVRT Commission Errors |
Simple Attention | Continuous Performance (CPT) Correct Responses minus CPT Commission Errors |
Motor Speed | Finger Tapping Test Right Taps Average + Finger Tapping Test Left Taps Average |
Abbreviations Defined: VBM - Verbal Memory Test; VIM - Visual Memory Test; SDC - Symbol Digit Coding Test; SAT - Shifting Attention Test; FTT - Finger Tapping Test; ST - Stroop Test; CPT - Continuous Performance Test; 4PCPT - Four Part CPT; POET - Perception of Emotions Test; NVR - Non- verbal Reasoning Test.
What is the Neurocognition Index?
The Neurocognition Index reflects the overall or global neurocognitive functioning of the test taker. It is an average or the standard scores for five of the domains (composite memory, psychomotor speed, reaction time, complex attention and cognitive flexibility) that reflect the patient's performance on each assessment. Providers are encouraged to review each individual domain and not just the NCI.
What operating systems does the CNS Vital Signs VS4 local software run on?
The CNS Vital Signs local software app is designed to operate on laptops and desktops that will run Windows 10 or greater. Minimal disk space is needed for testing data storage.
CNS Vital Signs local software applications require:
CNS Vital Signs assessment platforms are fully functional when test sessions remain on the counter displayed in the CNS Vital Signs applications initial window. Downloading software upgrades and purchasing additional assessment sessions can be performed by visiting
What do I need to do with my computer to ensure optimum performance of CNS Vital Signs?
It is important that CNS Vital Signs is the only application open and running during testing. It is better if additional programs should be closed; spyware scanners, virus scanners and automatic updates should be turned off and/or scheduled during a non-testing period of time.
Is special hardware required to use CNS Vital Signs?
No special hardware is required to run CNS Vital Signs. You will need a computer, monitor, and keyboard to run the application. A printer is necessary if you will be printing out the patient report at the conclusion of the test.
How large is the report file?
The test report file is approximately 200-300KB depending on the number of tests and questionnaires administered.
Is the report saved automatically?
Yes, the local software application stores the testing reports locally on the computer's hard drive. The web app saves the online testing app collects testing reports in your CNS Vital Signs Account. For those using the local application, there are utilities within the application to allow you to back up within your LAN or to your CNS Vital Signs web account..Local software app(s) via multiple testing stations can be backed up to a clinics network server or the reports can be securely uploaded to the CNSVS Online Account.
How do I export the test data for analysis?
To export test data from the local application for analysis, open the application and SELECT the MENU button found in the top left hand corner of the initial CNS Vital Signs test screen (directly across from Help). Click on the Export button. Highlight the file(s) you want to export. Click Export and select the program to which you want to export the data. If you need to export web account data email us at
How do I customize the test panels or toolboxes from the CNS VS defaults?
To customize the CNS Vital Signs local software app assessment test panels / toolboxes open the application and SELECT the MENU button found in the top left hand corner of the initial CNS Vital Signs screen. SELECT the Preferences button > Assessment Tab. To custom configure the test panels/toolboxes according to your needs 1) SELECT a "Test Configuration" test panel name 2) rename the test panel if needed 3) select the subtests and scales 4) SELECT OK. You can also select the default test language, and SELECT the status of the report password requirement. Other customization preferences can be found by choosing the other tabs under Preferences.
How do I export my testing results into my electronic medical record (EMR)?
If you want a copy of the CNS Vital Signs report available in your EMR, save the report and attach as an image or file to your EMR.
What is the re-test feature?
This feature allows you to re-test any subject, using the same subject ID, who has taken CNS Vital Signs within a 7 day period of time without being charged an additional session. This feature is especially helpful for those subjects who may have misinterpreted the directions during the initial testing or when doing a test-dose paradigm. This functionality can be found by opening the application and CLICK on the MENU button found in the top left hand corner of the initial CNS Vital Signs test screen (directly across from Help). Click on Re-Test.
How do I backup test reports?
To backup test reports, SELECT the MENU button found in the top left hand corner of the initial CNS Vital Signs screen. SELECT the Preferences button > BACKUP Tab. SELECT the "Backups enabled" box. Select the appropriate backup location e.g. network server file, cloud service, etc. and click OK. You can also manually back up the reports by copying all the *.res files to a cd or USB drive. Clients can also enable the SYNC functionality and collect all the testing station(s) data on the CNSVS Online servers. Reports can then either be accessed locally or via the web. To SYNC to the CNSVS Online servers SELECT the MENU > Preferences button > ONLINE Tab and enter your account number > CHECK Enable upload and SELECT the OK button.
What is User Management?
This is recommended for advanced users who understand the concept of user roles. The User Management feature enables sites to track Test Administrator usage of CNS Vital Signs and provides means for access control to the application and its features. To enable the User Management CLICK on the MENU button found in the top left hand corner of the initial CNS Vital Signs test screen (directly across from Help). Click on the Preferences button. Click on the Users Tab. When User Management is enabled for the first time it will request a System Administrator password. In order to provide security to the configuration parameters, this password is required to access Preferences and a new feature, View Log, whilst User Management is enabled. Once User Management is enabled the System Administrator will be able to add, modify, and delete Test Administrator users to the local software.
Who should take CNS Vital Signs?
Any patient presenting with a complaint of cognitive or brain related deficits or neurological or psychiatric conditions may benefit from being evaluated with CNS Vital Signs. The test was designed to be self-administered; however, younger children and older adults who take the test often need a family member with them to ensure that they understand the instructions.
Who should not take CNS Vital Signs?
Individuals who are unable to read should not take CNS Vital Signs. CNS Vital Signs is not appropriate for older adults who are severely demented. Individuals with MMSE scores less than 20 may not be able to perform some of the more complicated tests. There are "spacebar" only tests for individuals who may be impaired.
Can the test subject be left alone during testing?
Yes, if a patient is organized enough to be able to read and follow directions they should be able to take the tests. CNS Vital Signs was designed for self-administration. It is sometimes helpful to ask a technician or a family member to sit in with an elderly or young test taker to assure test instruction comprehension.
What are the optimal CNS Vital Signs test taking conditions?
CNS Vital Signs is ideally administered in a quiet environment with minimal interruptions. A separate testing room is ideal; however, it is not necessary. A white noise maker or screen will adequately assure quiet test taking conditions.
What do I enter for Patient ID / Subject Reference ID?
The Patient ID or testing Subject Reference ID can be an alphanumeric entry. Users are encouraged to follow HIPAA guidelines when choosing an appropriate patient or subject ID. Practices are encouraged to set a standard Patient / Subject ID policy for securely referencing patients / subjects with a unique identifier. VERY IMPORTANT: The Subject Reference ID is used to select reports for longitudinal graphing so it is important to be consistent in naming the patients.
Do I need to complete the entire Demographic page?
No, only subject reference and date of birth is required. The demographic page allows the test administrator to capture information on the test taker prior to testing.
How do I switch the test language?
CNS Vital Signs neurocognitive tests are available in 60 languages. To choose a specific language, use the drop down box labeled Test Language from the third "Confirm Test Settings" screen.
Is it possible to get the test report in a different language?
Currently, our test reports are available in English, Dutch, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.
How do I customize the assessment platform and run only specific tests?
You will have the option to run a specific test or group of tests and scales on the Test Confirmation screen. Simply check or uncheck those tests and scales you would like to add or omit during testing. Clinicians can individually customize their local software toolbox or test/scale configuration settings by selecting the MENU button then clicking the PREFERENCES button and Assessment tab. Clinicians can also collaborate with our practice development staff to individually customize their web and local applications. To customize your web-based testing needs or to learn more about the CNS Vital Signs functionality contact our support team at
What is the CNS Vital Signs "End of Testing" Test Administrator Password?
By default, an administrator password is required to view the test report. It is typically the user name and password you registered with.
Is the report generated automatically or must I send away for the results?
On the local software once the administrator password is entered, the report is generated automatically. The report is also available later by using the view report function in either the local or the web platform.
Do I need to save the report?
CNS Vital Signs local software automatically saves the test data and report to the testing computer or within your online account if you are testing via web. The data files are saved the CNS Vital Signs directory in the Data folder. Web-based assessments are automatically stored in your account on the CNSVS Online servers.
What is the cost of CNS Vital Signs?
CNS Vital Signs is $35 US dollars per test session. Volume purchases receive substantial discounts.
Do I get a discount for bulk test purchases?
Yes, discount pricing is available for bulk purchases.
For discounts on larger purchases, please contact us at
Do you offer special pricing for research endeavors?
Students, interns, residents and fellows doing research receive additional discounts, as do academic and government groups. Research must be of scientific merit and a brief description of the project is necessary. Email us at for additional information.
Do you have international pricing?
Yes, we offer special pricing for international customers. Please contact our office for additional information,
How do I pay for additional sessions?
We accept payment by Visa, MasterCard and American Express. For special payment arrangements such as purchase orders or invoicing please contact us at
Is the CNS Vital Signs website secure?
Yes, the CNS Vital Signs website uses 256 bit encryption and is hosted at Amazon Web Services (AWS). All data including screen images, file transfers, credit card details, etc. are encrypted. CNS Vital Signs is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant.
Can I purchase additional sessions by phone?
Purchases can be made over the phone. Please call 888-750-6941 US or 1-202-449-8492 International for assistance.
What is the cost of the CNS Vital Signs custom keyboard?
The custom keyboard is $55 US dollars. This price includes shipping and handling. The keyboard can be purchased by SELECTING the "Account Sign-In" button from the homepage. Your "sign-up" username email and password will be needed to ACCESS your Account. Once in your account SELECT the "Place Order/Purchase" button. The CNS Vital Signs Account purchase function is in a SHOPPING CART format.
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CNS Vital Signs is a world leader in the design and development of neurocognitive and behavioral assessment tools and technologies. We provide clinicians and researchers with leading-edge technologies for improved neurocognitive and behavioral evaluation and management capabilities.
FDA Medical Device Registration Number: 3006559064
SOC2 Type 2 Compliant
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